Will-o'-the-wisp (Het Dwaallicht, Frans Buyens 1973)

Will-o'-the-wisp (Het Dwaallicht, Frans Buyens 1973)

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Port of Anwterp. Three foreign sailors have met a girl and she has given them her address. They ask a man on the street for directions. The man joins them. But it seems they were given a false address. In the middle of the night all of them are searching and hoping, in vain. The story is tragic and absurd at the same time, for the sailors as well as for the passing-by.

Willem Elsschot (1882-1960) is a Flemish author who's novels have been translated in many languages. "Will-o'-the-Wisp", his last work, is considered to be one of his best novels. It is a poetic story, full of humanity and a lesson of life as well.

108 minutes
Languages: Dutch, English
Subtitles: English, French & Dutch
Image: 4/3, colour